Every chicken breed is different, and some are more fitting for others depending on what you’re looking for. When it comes to having a friendly flock, you have quite a few options! Some breeds have a reputation of being more friendly to humans while others can be more broody. If you’re looking to keep a flock full of the friendliest chickens you can find, keep reading. Here’s a list of the top 5 friendliest chicken breeds!

1. Silkies

Popular for their silky feel and extravagant looks, this breed is also very friendly! They make great pets for households with children and can be pretty affectionate if you take the time to handle them often! Silkies are quiet birds and unable to fly due to their fluffy plumage, which makes it even easier to care for them. Though they are relatively poor egg layers, you’ll want to search elsewhere if high egg production is your main goal.

2. Rhode Island Reds

These lovable birds are friendly to a fault, and will gladly watch you perform yard work. They’re simply happy to be in your company, and they’re great around children! Rhode Island Reds are comfortable with being held and cuddled. When it comes to getting along with other flock members, they can show signs of aggression if a hen is broody. But this varies by the chicken and flock.

3. Cochins

These are some of the largest breeds while also known for their lovable and friendly nature. You can train them as chickens to hop on your lap or eat food from your hand. Children don’t bother cochins, and you can hold them easily too! They find the most joy being homebodies, so they like to know their boundaries and stick to them!

4. Speckled Sussex

This fairly large breed loves to be a part of the family! They’re known for their chatty and curious tendencies, along with being great pets for those who are just starting their chicken keeping journey. The speckled sussex likes to forage free-range, but also doesn’t mind being confined to a smaller space. They’re intelligent, mellow, and love attention!

5. Buff Orpington

As non-aggressive birds, buff orpingtons enjoy physical affection. People even call them the “golden retrievers” of chickens! They are commonly laid back, content, and patient. This breed rarely gets cranky and likes cuddles when you raise them as pets. Due to their passive nature, they do not mix well with other breeds.

If you’re looking for a chicken who will love to be a part of the family, we hope you consider these breeds! Another factor to take into account is that proper training will account for much of their friendliness too. Put a lot of love, care, and patience into all your chickens to have the best chance of raising friendly chickens who you’re proud to show off!