Who says chickens don’t deserve to be pampered, too? Your flock works hard to bring you fresh eggs and entertainment daily, and all that work can take a toll on their tiny bodies! Studies show that happy chickens will lay better quality eggs, which is a great reason to want to try your best to keep them happy and stress-free. If you’re looking for some fun ways to give back to your chickens, keep reading. Here are 4 ways to pamper your flock!

1. Baths

Along with a bath, epsom salt soaks can provide great relief for your chickens, as it helps with relaxing the muscles. It will also help draw out any toxins if they ingested something harmful! Just be sure your chickens stay hydrated, because salt draws out water. Epsom salt is also safe for chickens to consume, so don’t worry if they drink some of the water. It’s recommended to soak them for about 10-20 minutes for best results.

We understand this can be difficult for keepers with 20+ chickens, but it doesn’t require as much from you as you may think. Although chickens don’t need wet baths, they certainly might benefit from one every now and then. As it gets warmer outside, you might want to consider having a small, shallow tub of water near the coop. This would allow your flock to cool off and freshen up whenever they want. Not all chickens are fans of water, but it’s great to provide an option for those who are!

2. Pedicures

Nail care can help keep your flock and all who interact with your flock safe. When chickens stop scratching due to behavioral or age-related issues, their nails tend to twist and curl. This can cause a slew of problems you don’t need! You can use dog nail clippers to trim your flocks’ nails. Once you’re holding your chicken, press it firmly against your chest while using the other hand to clip the nails. Speak softly and calmly to keep your chicken relaxed during the process.

When you’re trimming, pay attention to the single vein that runs up each nail. Bleeding occurs when this vein has been clipped, which means you’ve trimmed too far. Don’t fret if you accidentally encounter bleeding, just keep styptic powder, saline solution, and antibiotic ointment nearby to treat any bleeding. If your chickens don’t mind having their toes touched, take your pampering to the next level with some nail polish!

Massaging chickens is beneficial to their well being.

3. Massages

The many benefits of massages aren’t just for humans. Your flock can benefit from an occasional rub down, too! As much as chickens run, jump, and flap, it’s no surprise that they can encounter muscle tension and soreness. You can make this activity as luxurious as you want to, but the most important part is making sure you aren’t applying too much pressure or causing pain.

Start by massaging the base of the neck, then work your way up the neck to the head and down the spine toward the tail. You can typically get a sense of how much pressure to apply based on the reaction your chicken gives. If you notice the eyes start to close and the neck getting long, you’ve definitely hit a sweet spot!

4. Brushing Sessions

Brushing your chickens can help distribute their natural oils through the feathers. You can even use a toothbrush to clean the scales and toes if you want to give them a full-service spa day! When it comes to brushing, every chicken can react differently. This may be something you have to ease into, or your flock might love it from the start! Brushing is a great way to bond with your chickens, so do it anytime you want to feel closer to your flock.

Brushing chickens helps distribute natural oils

Your chickens work hard, just like you. Along with treating your flock, we hope you take some time to treat yourself too! If you’re ready to pamper your flock, these methods will certainly do the trick.